
Enable organisations to improve cash flow and reduce non-performing loan using our AI-powered debt collection intelligence software that enhances the debt collection process to predict the potential defaulters accurately with early warning & provides personalised collection recommendations and mediation recommendation

Forewarn Delinquency and Personalised Debtors Engagement to Maximise Collection

Prevent Debtors to Become Defaulters by Taking Immediate Action before Delinquency Starts

Just in time decision can be made before delinquency starts with early warning detection system and accurate customers’ credit assessment. This allows the collectors to make proactive outreach such as soft reminder or leverage mediation recommendation to reduce non-performing loan.

Increase Operational Efficiency with Mutually Agreed Mediation Recommendation in Only A Few Minutes

Significantly reduces turnaround time for debt restricting process with AI-driven mediation recommendation engine. Your Customers no longer need to go through the long process of onsite agreement. A guided and personalised mediation plan can be initiated through the on-screen mediation agreement with your collectors.

Influence Customer’s Behaviours with Personalised Automated Messaging to Achieve Desired Outcome

Provides personalised messaging recommendations based on behavioural analytics to efficiently influence customer’s behaviours and automate the workflows for collectors to work based on collection priority scores that are produced by the behavioural segmentation which help the organisation to increase operational efficiency.