AI-based sustainability reporting and management platform that aims to empower organisations maintain strong sustainability, gain sustainability opportunities, while minimizing all type of sustainability risks (i.e. climate change risk, compliance risk, carbon emission level) in long term by leveraging on big data with Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors.

> 80% ↑

Sustainability Analysis & Reporting Efficiency

Optimise Efficiency - From Weeks to Hours

> x 2 Faster

Speed Up the Process to Improve Sustainability

Optimise Sustainability Performance & Competitive Advantage

Achieve Sustainable Excellence Across All Operational Levels

Automated Data Collection & Ensure Data to be Trustable and Auditable

Easy data integration with the systems like ERP, HR, real-time sensors and more to collect data related to sustainability without manual intervention while ensuring data accuracy and transaparency with sophisticated data processing and calculation.

Highly Scalable & Minimise Complaince Risk for Sustainability Standards

Ensure continuous compliance with global and regional sustainability standards and stock exchages listing requirements and adapts to changes in new regulations and standards.

Enhance Operational and Time Efficiency with Real-time Analytics & Communication

Provides a comprehensive sustainability dashboard, generating submission-ready reports and detailed analysis (peer, simulated, risk, and scenario planning). It minimises communication gaps, enhances data collection and sharing, and improves decision-making and collaboration.

Optimise Sustainability Performance by Fostering a Sustainability Culture that Everyone in Organisation Matters

Provides incentives and reward mechanisms to encourage employees at all levels to adopt and practice sustainable behaviours to optimise sustainability efforts in their daily activities.